Location Icon 1800 Bering Drive, Suite 850, Houston, TX 77057     Email Icon steve.cook@geoscale.com 

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Geoengineering Products

Geoscale provides its clients with integrated multidisciplinary and multiscale analyses and risk assessments that are critical to success in evaluating subsurface projects. Increasingly, capital-intensive projects in complex subsurface environments leave minimal room for error and require more advanced technological solutions. Geoscale's state-of-the-art sensing hardware products and digital modeling software products are at the pre-commercial field evaluation stage.

Sensing Hardware Technologies

Sensing Hardware Technologies

Digital Software Technology

Digital Software Technology

geoSTATE — Reservoir Statics

Combining multi-scale data from geological, geomechanical, geophysical, petrophysical, and engineering data, this model is the most comprehensive multi-scale framework designed for oil and gas applications in the industry. This static modeling module creates a 3D snapshot of multiple realizations of subsurface conditions and results in better operational risk assessments in complex, deepwater, and shale environments.

geoMODEL — Reservoir Dynamics

This module integrates rock and fluid mechanics, leading to an improved production forecast. This dynamic simulation modeling module utilizes a series of fundamental "time-aware" capabilities to analyze pore-scale to basin-scale dynamic behavior using multi-scale formulations. Multiple scenarios with sensitivity testing are used to capture time-dependent changes in subsurface conditions due to operations and production.

geoWELLS — Well Scale

This module is used to optimize well operational parameters. Well-based applications such as drilling and fracking are modeled with this module by linking independently to the static, dynamic, and time-lapse modules.

geoSYNCH — Time Lapse

This module is used to optimize operations for EUR. It utilizes a proprietary calibration method that uses actual time-lapse (4D) data and realizations of subsurface conditions against model predictions to continuously improve estimates of subsurface rock and fluid dynamics. This approach has been proven to be superior to conventional approaches.

Dynamic Multi-Scale Simulation

Geoscale's dynamic asset modeling incorporates both historical and real-time data (including sensor measurement, production, drilling, fracking, and completion data) from multiple spatial and temporal scales, enabling predictive simulations and scenario analyses regarding future asset performance and outcomes. The company's technology enables seamless transition of multi-physics rock and fluid behavior analyses between length scales ranging from micrometers to kilometers and between time scales ranging from fractions of hours to years; when necessary, time range can be extended to millions of years for applications in geological history mapping and tracking.

Real-Time Asset Evaluation & Optimization

Geoscale's asset models incorporate any new real-time data, further refining asset models' simulation accuracy and predictive capabilities, and providing clients with real-time field monitoring and analyses throughout the assets' lifecycles. Geoscale's software solutions can detect and track changes in production and basin data and also assimilate production data and basin properties into the evolving basin model, enabling simulations that can guide and optimize future production decisions.

Cost Savings & Enhanced Recovery

Geoscale's software solutions increase clients' profitability by reducing exploration and production, intervention, and abandonment costs while accelerating production and increasing recovery rates. The software solutions help clients to optimize their capital spending decisions:

Scenario Models

What-if analyses and sensitivity testing allow clients to reduce risk associated with drilling, completion, and production uncertainties and to prepare for multiple scenarios

Portfolio Management

More accurate and detailed assessments enable operators to determine optimal selection of assets and best choice and sequence of operations

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